BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2012 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About project folders > Unlocking a master document

Unlocking a master document

Unlocking a master document removes the lock placed on it by a project copy. You might want to unlock a master document in order to start a document workflow on the master document. However, the master document was probably locked for a good reason and you should first find out why it was locked before unlocking it.

A master document may be unlocked from either of two places:

Note    Unlocking is recursive. That is, unlocking a master document will also cause any referenced documents to also be unlocked.

Following are procedures for both methods.

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About project folders

Understanding project definitions

Related tasks

Creating a new project folder

Copying a master document to a project

Showing project copies

Releasing a project copy as a new master document

Unlocking a master document from the project copy

Unlocking a master document from the master document

Discarding a document from a project

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About the reference browser buttons

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